How to Straighten Natural Hair Without Heat Damage

How to Straighten Natural Hair Without Heat Damage

We all know at least one naturalista who was whipping her silk press one week, only to be frantically Googling through tears the next, how to make natural hair revert. Or perhaps you’ve been that girl. If you’ve made it this far on your natural hair journey and...
5 Natural Remedies For a Dry, Itchy Scalp

5 Natural Remedies For a Dry, Itchy Scalp

A solid foundation is the key to a strong and stable house. Similarly, the scalp is the foundation of your hair and any crack in that foundation can bring the whole house down. On the positive side, if you take good care of that foundation, it will show.  If you...
How To Choose The Best Hair Products For Curly Hair

How To Choose The Best Hair Products For Curly Hair

Finding the perfect natural hair care products for your curls can be a difficult task, as different curls require very different care. The struggle ranges from trying to find products that infuse strands (and the scalp) with moisture without weighing your hair down....