Frizz  – Often the culprit behind a bad hair day, the bane of every natural girl’s existence.

You’ve done right by your hair for months with no heat or harsh chemicals or wearing it in a protective style. But this weekend you’re feeling like you want to switch it up. So Sunday night you grab your wash day products, blow dryer, heat protectant spray and flat iron to blow out and silk press your hair for the week. It’s Monday morning, you comb your wrapped hair down, lay your edges and head out the door for work. As soon as you get in your car you get a glance at your hair in your rearview mirror. It has done a complete reversion in a matter of minutes. What was once laid and slayed hair is now a frizzy nightmare. Your roots have swelled, your ends have shriveled up and so has your confidence and patience. And you can’t help but yell out in disbelief, “Whyyyyyyyy?!”

Frizzy hair is often blamed on humidity or moisture in the air which impacts Black women more than anyone else due to our curly, coarse and textured hair. While it’s accurate that frizz happens when moisture passes through your hair strands causing it to swell, the moisture penetrates your hair due to the cuticle being raised. “What is a raised hair cuticle and what does it look like?” We’re glad you asked:

damaged versus normal hair

The image to the left or the “damaged hair” is what your hair looks like when the hair cuticle is raised. This happens when your hair has heat damage, chemical treatment damage or has experienced dryness and breakage. When your hair cuticle is raised or open this allows things to easily pass through, like water, which causes what? Frizz. Did you just have that aha moment? Yeah, we know. So now that you understand why frizz happens, let’s get to the most important part, how you can prevent it.

Your natural hair becomes frizzy due to your hair being dry and/or damaged, but to help you prevent this disastrous mess from ruining your good hair day, try one or all four ways to prevent frizziness and maintain healthy, moisturized hair:

Drink More Water

It’s essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle overall. From your hair to your skin, to your breathing and more. 11.5 cups of water daily is what’s recommended for women, so no more sipping from one water bottle all day. Be honest, some of us do that. If you prefer more flavor try infusing your water with lemon, lime, mint or cucumber to encourage you to drink more.

Stop Daily Use of Leave-in Conditioner

We know it says “leave-in” but you’re not supposed to use it as a daily moisturizer. Leave-in conditioner is packed with protein, which is good for your hair since 90% of it is keratin, but if you use leave-in conditioner daily this can cause your hair to become dry and brittle and ultimately cause breakage. Switch out your leave-in for a curling cream instead; this will help re-moisturize your hair without drying it out or weakening it.

Wash Your Hair With a Moisturizing Shampoo

Moisture should always be the foundation of your hair care regimen no matter your hair type or texture, and that includes the first step, cleansing. Removing product build-up, excess oil and dirt from your hair is vital to maintaining its healthy, natural state, but we often choose shampoos that strip our hair too much. Shampoos with too many ingredients or chemicals can strip your hair of its essential oils and dry it out, leaving it prone for frizz. Choosing a shampoo with core moisturizing ingredients such as coconut oil and honey can help add moisture to your hair while cleansing.

Sleep in Satin

No, we’re not talking about your pajamas. If you’re laying your head down every night without wrapping it in a satin scarf or sleeping on a satin pillowcase, you’re stripping your hair of moisture. It is important to protect your hair and keep moisture locked in around the clock, even when you’re sleeping.

Stop letting the forecast block your shine, frizz can be defeated. Incorporate these tips into your daily routine to help return moisture to your hair, repair any damage and maintain its overall health.

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